After death, the soul enters a new state of consciousness which will depend on the kind of life that was lived.
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Baixar taking charge of one´s process of dying – 3 – when the soul is set free
After death, the soul enters a new state of consciousness which will depend on the kind of life that was lived.
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Ouvir Baixar taking charge of one´s process of dying – 3 – when the soul is set free
Peso | 0 , 025 kg |
Dimensões | 13 , 100 × 13 , 100 × 0 , 200 cm |
Autor | Trigueirinho |
Código externo | 0015/0003/por/eng/CD |
Duração | 33 min |
Idioma de destino | Inglês |
Mídia | CD |
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