
José Trigueirinho Netto (1931-2018) was born in São Paulo, Brazil.

He lived in Europe for several years, where he maintained contact with advanced beings on the spiritual path, among them Paul Brunton.

In his own life, he bore witness to the teachings he transmitted in books and lectures about the transcendence and elevation of the human being, contact with the soul and even deeper cores of being, impersonal service, and coalition with the Spiritual Hierarchies.

One of the fundamentals of his work is to stimulate the expansion of human consciousness and to free it from the bonds that keep it tied to material aspects of existence, external or internal.

He was a founder of Comunidade-Luz Figueira, a member of Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation, and co-founder of the Order of Grace and Mercy.

He was also an active collaborator, instructor, and spiritual protector of three other communities located in Uruguay, Argentina, and Portugal.

He lived his last 30 years in Figueira, in the interior of Minas Gerais, a community that today has about 300 residents and is visited by thousands of collaborators, members of a network of humanitarian service and spiritualist studies, which was always closely followed by Trigueirinho.

Thanks to his invaluable education and his love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and as a result of an exemplary work that he himself implemented in the community, the Animal, Plant, and Mineral Kingdoms receive careful treatment in Figueira.

The work of Trigueirinho

Trigueirinho, a philosopher-spiritualist, has written 84 books originally published in Portuguese and many of them translated into Spanish, English, French, and German.

He has given more than 3,000 live recorded lectures, available on CDs, some on DVDs and flash drives.

In the first phase of his work, Trigueirinho essentially dealt with self-knowledge, prayer, instruction, and spiritual transformation.

Then he went on to transmit information about Universal Life and the assistance that humanity has received, since forever, through the Intraterrestrial White Brotherhood, which inhabits the Retreats and Planetary Centers, and also through the Cosmic Brotherhood of the Universe.

He also mentioned the presence of Spiritual Hierarchies on the planet and the advent of a new humanity.

In the last eight years he has clearly analyzed, and with the wisdom that has always characterized him, the messages that the Divinity is delivering to the planet, as a warning to humanity.

His work reveals a real understanding of what all the Kingdoms of Nature on our planet mean, the true spiritual task of the human being, his place in the universe, and also his responsibility before Creation.

It clarifies the reasons for the crisis that currently plagues humanity and opens perspectives for the beginning of a brighter cycle for our race.

Author’s publications

By Category

Latest publications

2º Encontro da Ordem Graça Misericórdia

Realizado de 5 a7 de Julho de 2011, com a participação de Trigueirinho e Shimani.   Faixas: Baixar 1 –

46º Encontro Geral de Figueira

46º Encontro Geral de Figueira. Realizado de 10 a 13 de março de 2011, com a participação de Trigueirinho, Artur,

4º Encuentro de Oración en el Centro Aurora

4º Encuentro de Oración en el Centro Aurora. Realizado del 5 al 7 de Agosto de 2011, con la participación

5º Encontro de Oração no Centro Aurora

Impulsos sobre a prática da oração, dados durante a Celebração dos cinco anos de Aparições da Mãe Divina, em agosto

A administração de recursos em centros espirituais

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Em trabalhos espirituais, os administradores lidam conscientemente com energia e não só com coisas materiais, economia e produtividade. Por isso,

A alegria na renovação

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A alma do mundo e outros temas

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A arte de viver nos tempos atuais – palestra em Belo Horizonte – 1ª parte

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A presente condição ambiental, humana e social planetária pede que despertemos para realidades superiores. Amplo projeto salvífico está em andamento,

A arte de viver nos tempos atuais – palestra em Belo Horizonte – 2ª parte

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A arte de viver nos tempos atuais – palestra em Buenos Aires

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