Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton (1898-1981) dedicated his life to the practices, understanding, and realization of spiritual truths. During his public life, he wrote eleven books and lived on every continent except Antarctica, and no doubt he would have been a saint or a sage there, had he lived there. He also wrote daily thoughts in small notebooks, interviewed hundreds of masters, fakirs, false gurus and saints all over the world. Even though she discouraged people who wanted to be her followers, it was inevitable that many who met her, ended up becoming her students. These fortunate individuals received advice and guidance from him, at the appropriate time and at the appropriate occasion. For example, when someone asked him to bless his new restaurant, his answer was: “I can bless your company, which will help you understand the spiritual lesson related to your business, but if you want it to be a success, I suggest you ask a businessman for advice!“.
As Brunton grew in spiritual stature, he increasingly sought anonymity, so that by the time he reached full enlightenment (the state known in India as “sahaja”) in the early 1960s, he was virtually forgotten by the public. Although he did not place emphasis on the “cult of personality,” he highly valued the free and open dissemination of the most profound teachings, the most precious that the world had to offer. To this end, he has given his life to the task of creating a spiritual path suitable for the fast-paced world of the 21st century–a path pointed out to us in the form of the
Paul Brunton’s Notebooks
. In these remarkable volumes, the reader will find a mixture of his own inner vision and the ancient traditions and teachings of contemporary philosophy. A Philosophy that expresses the real meaning of the word “Love-Wisdom”, which is Love combined with Wisdom, leading us finally to the wisdom of the Soul-Mind and to the love of our own higher self, the Higher Self.
Paul Brunton’s life unfolded in four different phases: The beginning of his journey, his notoriety as an expert of the teachings of the East, his efforts to modernize the perennial philosophy for better understanding by followers in the West, and his last years, which he spent immersed in the impersonal silence of the Mind. Trying to measure any philosopher by his or her initial steps is a mistake. It is not so much how they begin, or even how they end, that matters. The truth that they promote is to be found in their journey and in the teachings that they represent. Brunton himself had this “insight” in the 1940s, when he abandoned his “Search in Secret” series … and turned his mind – and pen – to the greater heights of epistemology and metaphysics. To put our attention on your childhood and your youthful efforts is tempting, because these are the phases we can relate to without much effort, but to direct our interest to higher matters, higher levels, requires more attention and effort on our part. This effort will reward us with “insights” into our own selves and the ecstatic austerity of Truth.
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A Cura | O Desapego
A Graça Divina
A Graça Divina | Os Vislumbres
A Realização da Alma