Frei Luciano

Friar Luciano (Francesco Gullo) is the director general of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FFHI), formed by a global team of volunteer humanitarian workers with 35 years of experience in social and humanitarian service practicing and spreading brotherhood; contributing to the expansion of the consciousness of human beings, to the experience of peace and love, to selfless service, the expression of new standards of conduct and constructive relationship with all expressions of nature.

Since 1989, Friar Luciano has been a member of the Figueira Community, located in Brazil.

Luciano dedicated his life, experience, and knowledge to developing services and activities, including public lectures, for the benefit of awakening human consciousness and inner values.

As an instructor and writer, Friar Luciano plays an important role in passing on knowledge to all members of the Light Communities through his public lectures, books, and recorded conferences.

The reflections and knowledge conveyed combine elements of philosophy with a spirituality applied to daily life, in the midst of a world situation of contradiction that we are all experiencing.

Member of the permanent board of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) which oversees its twenty-five affiliates globally.

As Director General of Fraternity-Humanitarian, he personally monitors all sectors of intervention and services provided, including, since August 2017, the Roraima humanitarian mission in Brazil, along with Operation Acolhida, the Brazilian government’s humanitarian response to Venezuelan migration, in partnership with UNHCR until December 2021.

In May 2021, inaugurated in Roraima the Center for Indigenous Culture and Training (CCFI) developed by the Fraternity – Humanitarian in continuous expansion of its initiatives to train the indigenous population together with Operation Acolhida.

Friar Luciano is a key liaison actor between humanitarian actors, local governments, the private sector, building and inspiring partnerships to implement lasting and dignified solutions for migrant populations and local communities.

In 2020 and 2021, respectively, he was appointed focal point of the Esfera and INEE Humanitarian Standards in Brazil and Portugal, as well as recognized as an NGDO by the Camões Institute in Portugal, and in 2022 invited to be part of the board of the Esfera Association in Geneva.

Luciano has given more than a thousand lectures, inside and outside the Luz de Figueira Community, at a national and international level; he is the author of two books.


Author’s publications

By category

Latest publications

A colaboração angélica em nosso despertar

Os anjos da guarda e sua tarefa de semear novos padrões na consciência humana / Uma voz que fala ao

As 19 Portas Incertas

O resgate de nossa proteção interior / Como resguardar-se das portas incertas / Cuidados preventivos em tempos de extrema interferência

Despertando para a Presença em nós

R$ 0,00
Nuances da proteção preventiva / O amor que nos eleva à Presença / Valorizar as possibilidades / Não temer as

O Espírito do Senhor

Uma emanação da essência do Amor-Sabedoria / O espírito universal que permeia a manifestação cósmica / Mergulhando em Fontes Imateriais

O poder da palavra e da intenção – Afirmações, decretos, orações e mantras

Podemos recriar nossa experiência humana através de nossas intenções e pelo poder positivo de nossas palavras / A união superior

O trabalho oculto das Hierarquias Kajih e Nanjih no planeta e em Mirna Jad

Entre outros temas: A presença de Kajih e Nanjih na vida espiritual do planeta / Consciência Dévica Kajih e as

Palabras al Corazón

R$ 20,00
Vivimos inmersos en un fluido inteligente, organizado en dimensiones. La humanidad terrestre tiene consciencia hasta de la tercera dimensión, aunque

Palavras ao Coração

R$ 20,00
Vivemos imersos em um fluido inteligente, organizado em dimensões. A humanidade terrestre tem consciência até a terceira dimensão, mas prepara-se

Pérolas no fundo do mar – 1

O Amor-Sabedoria como Caminho, Verdade e Vida / As soluções são simples / O amor vigilante e preventivo / Descobrindo

Silêncio, ó amado silêncio…

R$ 40,00
A sociedade de hoje impõe padrões de conduta e métodos que praticamente impedem as pessoas de serem elas mesmas, de