Irmã Lucía de Jesús
A consecrated nun of the Grace of Mercy Order, she dedicates her life to prayer and selfless service, following the indications of Christ Jesus, of the Virgin Mary, and also of Saint Joseph.
From October 2012, in response to the Virgin Mary’s request, she began her work as a seer, serving as an intermediary for the messages transmitted by the Blessed Virgin Mary during Her public apparitions.In March of the following year, St. Joseph also came forward and began a cycle of instruction through the seer.
Latest publications
Chemin de Croix – Chemin Éternel pour les Cœurs
Diálogos de uma alma com Deus
Diálogos de un alma con Dios
R$ 40,00
Dialogues d’une âme avec Dieu
Dialogues of a Soul with God
Mensagens de Humildade – São José Castíssimo
R$ 75,00
Mensajes de Humildad – San José Castísimo
R$ 75,00
Via Crucis – Caminho Eterno para os Corações (livro)
R$ 30,00
Via Crucis – Camino Eterno para los Corazones (libro)
R$ 30,00