Our monad is indestructible and if we surrender to its energy we will discover that the monad represents the Will of the divinity itself.
Ouça agora:
Baixar a new viewpoint of the monad
Our monad is indestructible and if we surrender to its energy we will discover that the monad represents the Will of the divinity itself.
Ouça agora:
Ouvir Baixar a new viewpoint of the monad
Peso | 0 , 025 kg |
Dimensões | 13 , 100 × 13 , 100 × 0 , 200 cm |
Autor | Trigueirinho |
Código externo | 0014/0206/por/eng/CD |
Duração | 30 min |
Idioma de destino | Inglês |
Mídia | CD |
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